Thursday, January 6, 2011

Welcome to the Workin' Week

It is official. After interviewing for a paraprofessional (fancy word for teacher's aide) position in a local school district, I will hopefully begin working in a school full-time by the end of next week. I still can't believe it. Teachers are having a hard enough time finding jobs (and keeping jobs) in this economy, that I couldn't be more grateful to have this opportunity to learn, to use my most recent degree, and perhaps work my way into a teaching position.

Ten dollars an hour, is admittedly, not much. But I'm proud to say that I'm not doing it for the money. I don't think anything more needs to be said on that point.

Originally, when I started this blog I wanted to write for myself mostly to build confidence, as well as share my student teaching experience.

That...kinda...sorta...happened, but was overshadowed by mounds of unnecessary graduate work. This time, I hope to share more of my daily experiences, frustrations, successes. As of right now, I have high hopes. I have never been an "official" teacher's aide, but I've certainly taken plenty of instruction and constructive criticism in the classroom.

I'm trying to stop myself from being "expectant." Expecting the first week to be perfect. Expecting that I will turn my students' academic/social lives completely around. Expecting everything to go as planned. Expecting every move I make to work. Expecting miracles. In some ways, I can't help it. I'm an idealist, and I want everything I do to make a difference. I have to keep reminding myself that this is the real world, and it's not always going to work out for the best. There's not always going to be a happy ending. And yet, on the other hand, I would be a pretty poor teacher if I didn't expect all of that at least in the form of progress, every day.

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