Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Bit of Dialogue in Need of a Good Home and Experimenting with Video

I might be able to use this someday. The question is, where?


“You’re despicable.”

“I know.”

“How on Earth could you be so damn proud of yourself?”

“Natural arrogance, I suppose. Family trait.”

“I hate you.”

“Of course you do. I’m touched. I thought you were leaning toward ‘loath,’ now I know you have a soft spot for me. It’ll be impossible to hide now.”

“You live to be my constant annoyance, don’t you?”

“Hardly. I annoy everyone just the same.”



Also, this. I posted it on my Facebook over the summer, but I'd like to save it here as well. I think it's safe to say I feel each stage of this particular grief once each day.

Thank you, universe (and of course, Mr. Yilmaz) for sending this to me.  I see it, and know I am not alone in wanting to rip everything I write to shreds, and staring blankly at the computer screen for hours on end.

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