Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Pure, Unassuming Bean

It used to be a secret. My secret.

Just a serene tree blowing in the warm breeze. A small bean tucked protectively inside its leathery womb.

I remember the day I created it, though I'm still not certain why I did. Sometimes it does happen like that. People, things, places appear and even I can't explain where they came from. Attila the Hun, durian fruit, the Rock of Gibraltar. Weird, right?

But instead of being confused and exasperated as I usually was by some of these rogue creations, I was pleased, excited even. I had created something small and inconspicuous enough to stay mine. To hide in the trees forever, and never be discovered.

I should have suspected, however, that nothing with so much potential could stay hidden forever. I should have known that even it could not hide from the damned curiosity and persistence of my other creations.

Humanity found it soon enough. And now look at my pure, unassuming little bean! It has become the very symbol of gluttony! Molded into bars, balls, cakes and stuffed with frostings and fruits. Boiled into liquid, frozen solid and even slathered on chicken and steak, and sometimes, oh sometimes even promising death!

No longer my secret. No longer just a little cocoa bean.

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