Monday, February 22, 2010

Shooting the Moon

OK, I am horrible at this. Why, oh why did I start a blog knowing full well that I would probably disappear off the face of the Earth for the next few months...silly girl that is me. Anyhow, I'm about two weeks from mid-term, and this week is my first full week of taking over the ENTIRE day, all subjects. I was so terrified of this point in the process, but really, it feels natural now that I'm here and actually in the middle of it.

It's not so bad. Yes, there are those days where I wonder what the hell I'm doing with myself, and why I even thought I could pull this teaching thing off. Every day is its own challenge (as cheesy as that sounds), but I'm into the classroom routine full-tilt now, and it's exponentially less scary. I think the anticipation just made it worse.

I love the teaching and the planning and all of it. What I do not love is all this "work sample," graduate student, blah, blah, blah baloney. I should be spending most of my time planning kick ass lessons. Instead of splitting my time between lesson planning, and stupid, lame, ridiculous "other stuff" like evaluations, work samples, logs, work sample papers, long, tedious lesson plan templates..GAH! Such a waste of time, and I feel like I can't devote my whole experience to teaching, and I'm shortchanging my students because I have to stop thinking about what they have learn, and ANALYZE them. Now, I'm venting. This is good. This is what I'm here for. To free write, and to not always think things out.

Brain spills like this are awesome. I feel 10 pounds (of stupid, pointless graduate paperwork!!!) lighter. :)

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