Thursday, January 7, 2010

Them Little Things Called Snow Days

It's wrong to want a coveted Snow Day just two days into my new position. But I don't want it because I'm not enjoying myself. I want it because the weather is out. of. control. I spent an hour and fifteen minutes trying to get to school today, wading through major streets that had yet to be plowed at 7:00 in the morning. Now, I don't mean to be cranky, but shouldn't the streets be plowed and salted well BEFORE the morning rush hour? It would probably cut down on accidents, as well as people trying to maim other drivers in their state of near-permanent road rage. And I'll admit, I'm one of those timid drivers who will drive like a granny on days like today, be damned all the honking horns and rude hand gestures.

We're supposed to get at least 6 more inches overnight, as if my poor little car can trundle through these streets as it is.

Other than that, I sat in on an IEP meeting today, graded some papers, and tried to be a bit more firm with the kids. I don't think they really see me as their teacher, so I think the transition from Mrs. B. to me is going to be a real adjustment for this group. I'm trying not to over-think, as I tend to do, I'll just keep taking things as they come and look to Mrs. B., my advisor and more often than not, my other teacher-friends for guidance.

Here's hoping for a Snow Day, and if not, at least it's Friday. And now, time for some dinner, 30 Rock, and hiding from all this winter around me. I miss October. And Disney World.

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